What is the Orgasm Gap?

I was recently checking through sales data of who buys what and for us it is still approximately 60% women customers. In the course of this data dive I found this article talking about The Orgasm Gap. We all know women tend to find it harder to orgasm than men but some of the studies discussed are really interesting. Did you know lesbian women orgasm during sex significantly more than straight women? 

Look I’m a happily married man to a fabulous sexy wife and I know I’m super lucky. I know men take way less time to orgasm and we generally find it real easy to just “perform”. I also know sex for men tends to be much more physiological then it is for women. I think it is sad to consider that up to 70% of women don’t orgasm during sex and there are tons of reasons from body image, shame, prioritising male pleasure and on and on. I would hope we could all agree that there should be no shame or attitudes that stop a sexual partner seeking pleasure/orgasms during sex. 

Orgasm Gap

So men out there you need to become aware or how your partner is feeling during sex, fuck assumptions. Just because she’s moaning it could mean she’s just hoping you’ll finish quicker. Women don't be afraid to seek your own pleasure and if you are with a partner that you can't feel comfortable with this you are probably with the wrong person. You don’t have to orgasm every time, of course not, but don’t feel shame in asking for your own pleasure needs too. 

The reality is that only about 18% of women can orgasm without clitoral stimulation. So this is an easy place to start. You can of course incorporate clitoral play in your sex but why not let PlayBlue help here. We sell a load of Clitoral Stimulators that can be used during sex. From simple bullet vibrators to incredible wands and on to clitoral suction vibes. We also sell couples sex toys that can massage the penis and clitoris during intercourse. All these will of course help and add a little something different to your sex life too. It doesn't end there we also sell a selection of clitoral gels and orgasm drops that might help by making your clitoris hypersensitive. Oh before I forget please don't forget the lube it makes everything better.

The orgasm gap is reality but I’m sure we would all want to help close this gap with our partners. The first and most important tool is acknowledgement of the issue and safe communication. Then consensual experimentation of sex positions, foreplay, sex toys and fantasy will help you get to a place where sex is the ultimate pleasure for you both.


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